What is a 'credit'?

We work on a usage basis at TalentKoala. 1 credit is like a unit of currency to use each of the TalentKoala tools. Each tool has a different credit cost, so work out how many of each tool you think your recruitment team will need and you'll be able to work out how many credits you need.

Is the free plan genuinely free?

Yes it is - you can remain on our Free plan indefinitely and should you ever need any additional credits you can either upgrade to the Khloe or Keith plans, or you can talk to us and build your own custom plan.

How do I pay for a paid plan?

If you need a paid plan you can either pay by credit/debit card or by setting up a direct debit. Charges are taken monthly and you can upgrade/downgrade/cancel at any time.

What's the difference between AdGrader Basic & Pro?

AdGrader Basic allows you to quickly identify where any unconscious bias exsists in yur job adverts and suggests neutral synonyms with which to replace them. However with AdGrader Basic this is a manual process.

AdGrader AI does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, only suggesting the most grammatically correct synonyms and even automatically removing offending words in one click.

Can I share credits across multiple businesses?

Yes you can. You can have unlimited users and you can set up unlimited 'Brands' in the platform to allow you to do exactly that.

Do unused credits roll over from one month to the next?

They do if you commit to annual billing, in which case you'll get access to all of your year's credits from day 1. But for monthly billing unused credits do not roll over.

What training is provided?

All of our tools are super simple to use, so you shouldn't need any training. We've got plenty of guides and videos to support you, and if you get stuck at any time you can reach out to our support team at any point and they'll help you out. In addition, with the Kenzo plan you'll get a dedicated CSM who will help your business get the most out of TalentKoala.

What are 'watermarked' Media credits?

Every TalentKoala plan as unlimited 'watermarked' Media credits, which means that every piece of media you create will have a TalentKoala watermark on them.

As you progress to our paid plans, you'll have a limited number of unbranded Media credits where the TalentKoala brand is removed.

See how TalentKoala can transform how you recruit.

TalentKoala's recruitment toolkit helps recruiters be more efficient, be better at the job and be more productive. Book a demo now and we'll show you the features that are important to you and your recruitment team.

And we're trusted by 1,000 internal recruiters to make their lives easier...❤️

TalentKoala is a game-changer in job advert creation, transforming a time-intensive task into a matter of seconds, without compromising quality.
Francis Kelly
MD, Level Equals
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
TalentKoala has been a valuable tool in helping us work towards one of our goals of creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce
Nick Stebbings
TA Lead, Jumbo
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Who needs job boards? All I do now is post TalentKoala's social images and watch my job go viral. Godsend.
Mark Wilkinson
MD, Coburg Banks
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Awesome tool. Helped us add huge amounts of value to our clients and deepen our relationship with them.
James Allen
MD, Pyjamas
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Pain free, effortless boolean strings. Where have you been all my life TalentKoala?!?!?
Mark Wilkinson
MD, Coburg Banks
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Can't begin to tell you how much I hate creating boolean strings. Thank god for TalentKoala!
Anthony Hughes
Partner, Room61
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Makes a horrible task painless. My team hated writing job adverts - not a problem anymore. Easy recommend.
Ed Knorrer
Head of Care, T4C 
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Being able to tell your clients you help them achieve a more inclusive hiring proess? Check.
Mark Wilkinson
MD, Coburg Banks
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
Who would have thought I could sell interview plans to my clients and stop fee erosion? Genius move from TalentKoala.
Charles Trivett
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds
11 second job adverts immediately ready to publish. No need to say anymore.
Claire Woodvine
Rec Lead, CBSC
AdBuilder - helping recruiters create exceptional, effortless job adverts in seconds